Friday, June 28, 2013

9. Monkey Art and Copyright: Intellectual Property Rights in Works by Nonhuman Creators
Koko: A Talking Gorilla
This is not legal advice. Leave audio feedback at (512) 686-6329. This show was recorded and edited using GNU/Linux.

Expected Audience: anyone curious about animals, AI, extraterrestrials and copyright

This week, Doug speaks to Neal Smith, author of "Monkey Art and Copyright: Intellectual Property Rights in Works by Nonhuman Creators."

mp3 audio | ogg audio | torrent | video

Per usual, the sparse show notes are after the break.

Monday, June 17, 2013

8. Alex Owczarczak, Student Judicial Intern Clerk at U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
The Federal Circuit

This is not legal advice. Leave audio feedback at (512) 686-6329. This show was recorded and edited using GNU/Linux.

Expected Audience: law students and attorneys interested in decision tree analysis

First off, on top of our usual disclaimer, nothing Alex says should be taken as a statement by the U.S. government or the U.S. Court of Appeals.

mp3 audio | ogg audio | torrent | unedited video

Interview notes after the break.

Friday, June 14, 2013

7. NEF Board Member Josiah Barbour
Listen and find out how Tottenham fits in to Music Manumit

This is not legal advice. Leave audio feedback at (512) 686-6329. This show was recorded and edited using GNU/Linux.

Expected Audience: 
people interested in patent policy and those interest in the Netizen Empowerment Federation

Welcome back to the Music Manumit Lawcast! It's been a while since we've put out a podcast. We should be putting out one a week this summer. They'll be shorter than last summer, and it'll just be Doug and a guest. Also, Brian should be coming out with some shows on trademark law.

mp3 audio | ogg audio | torrent | unedited video

Josh and Doug cover a lot of ground. Expect a more focused show next time, when Doug speaks with Alex Owczarczak.

Show notes after the break